Being unstoppable means different things for different people. For me personally, being unstoppable means having the drive, energy, determination to pursue one's purpose. Be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your purpose and vision. Not giving up no matter what obstacles come your way. Unstoppable people don't settle. Being unstoppable for me means never stop learning and growing and knowing that there is always more, that we can be better tomorrow than we are today.
What does to be unstoppable mean for you? It has a different meaning for all of us. What would be possible for you right now if you were unstoppable? Grab a pen and write down what comes to mind. What would it mean to be unstoppable, and what would be possible in your life if you were unstoppable?
Think about three areas in your life and try to imagine what it would mean for your life in these categories if you were unstoppable:
Health & Energy
Wealth & Work
Many times when we think about being unstoppable we think about all the things we need to do, but today I want to invite you to look and think about it form a different perspective. The key question to ask yourself is who you need to be or become to be unstoppable.
I truly believe that being unstoppable is a matter of attitude and mindset. So let's talk about some of those principles, habits, mindsets and perspectives that can make you unstoppable.
Here are some principles for being unstoppable. To learn more about these listen to episode 41 of the Leading Yourself Podcast.
Have a deep and big why
Have clear goals. Set goals that are beyond your capabilities
Act more than you think
Start before your are ready
Never be satisfied
Put pressure on yourself. Set high standards.
Take responsibility
Be authentic and genuine
Don't be afraid of failure
Don't compare of compete with anyone else but yourself
Stay curious. Take risks. Experiment.
Never stop learning
Visualize the impact you can make, who you can become and what you can accomplish
Stay focused
Increase the intensity
Develop self-confidence
Surround yourself with people that you admire
Let go of things holding you back
Say yes, figure it out later
Think and act 10x